研討會演講:109年12月24日(四)上午10時10分,假社管大樓1樓121階梯教室舉辦專題演講,講題:Cross-domain Auto Machine-learning Platform:How to prepare yourselves for AI opportunities

日 期:109.12.24(四)
時 間:上午10時10分,請同學提前就座
地 點:社管大樓1樓121階梯教室
演講者:Linker Networks創辦人兼首席執行長謝源寶./Linker Networks市場開發部王議霆經理
講 題:Cross-domain Auto Machine-learning Platform:How to prepare yourselves for AI opportunities


  1. Introduction
  2. AI Market trend and status
  3. Vision AI platform with features of auto machine-learning & auto-labeling
  4. AI services and applications among multiple vertical business
  5. AI platform demo and use cases sharing
  6. Vision AI models, algorithms and training exploration
  7. AI Model deployment monitoring and retraining, from cloud to edge
  8. How to prepare yourselves for AI opportunities!

