![]() | 呂瑞麟 Lu, Jui-Lin教授
期刊 (2017-2021)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
期刊 (2017-2021)
發表日期 (年/月/日) | 作者 | 教師職稱 | 期刊∕論文名稱 | 發表之期刊名稱∕期數 | SSCI、SCI、EI | 作者順位(通訊、第一、第二) |
2021, NOV | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*(呂瑞麟), Ting-An Ou | 教授 | Intelligent SPARQL Query Generation for Natural Language Processing Systems | IEEE Access/ Vol. 9, pp.158638-158650 | SCIE | □第一作者 |
2020, SEP | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*(呂瑞麟), Chu-Fan Wang | 教授 | Light-weight Selective Image Encryption for Privacy Preservation | Journal of Electronic Science and Technology / Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 234-240. | EI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2020, MAY | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*(呂瑞麟) and Ya-Wen Cheng | 教授 | Categorization of Multiple Documents Using Fuzzy Overlapping Clustering Based on Formal Concept Analysis | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING / Vol.30, NO.5, pp.631-647 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, | Chen, YH; Lu, EJL*(呂瑞麟); Chen, PJ | 教授 | Fine-grained Image Authorization Mechanism for Image Management Systems | JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY/ Vol.19, NO.6, PP.1919-1927 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
年度 | 委辦/補助機關 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
2019 | 科技部 | 在QALD系統中運用堆疊式學習模式產生SPARQL語法的研究 | 計畫主持人 |
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
出版年月 Year & Month | AACSB類型 Scholarship Type | 發佈 地區 Area | 研討會名稱 Seminar | 論文細項 Detail |
2014/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Computer Symposium | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu, Tsai-Ying Wu, and Tsung-Hau Lin,Classify Blog Articles Using Queried Keywords, in the proceedings of International Computer Symposium 2014 (ICS2014). |
2014/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Computer Symposium | Eric Jui-Lin Lu, Yi-Hui Chen, and Hsueh-Chun Chien,Automatically Categorizing Blog Articles Using Ontology Tree Built By DBpedia, in the proceedings of International Computer Symposium 2014 (ICS2014). |
2014/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, and Ping-Jung Chen,Fine-Grained Access Control for Digital Image Systems, in the proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Ele |
2014/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Conference on Information Management | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, and Jeng-Jie Huang,Analysis of Chinese Word Segmentation Systems on Queried Keywords, in the proceedings of International Conference on Information Management 2014 (ICIM |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | NCS | 陳宜惠, 呂瑞麟, 與簡學群,Creating interlinks between blog posts and DBpedia, in the proceedings of NCS 2013. |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | TANET | 陳宜惠, 呂瑞麟, 與黃政傑,斷詞系統對於Queried keywords的影響, in the proceedings of TANET 2013. |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | APSIPA Annual Summit and Conferece | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, and Chu-Fan Wang,Privacy Image Protection Using Fine-Grained Mosaic Technique, in the proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conferece 2013. |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, and Tsai Ying Wu,A Blog Clustering Approach Based on Queried Keywords, in the proceedings of International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST 2013 |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing | Chou Chen Yang, Shin-Hao Lo, and Eric Jui-Lin Lu,A Universal Lightweight Authentication Scheme Based on Delegation Mechanism in Heterogeneous Networks, in the proceedings of 2012 The 9th International |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Communications | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, Shiuan-Yin Huang, and Yao-Tsan Chang,RDF-Chord: A Semantic-based P2P System for RDF Queries, to appear in the proceedings of 2012 4th International Conference on Communi |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists | Yi-Hui Chen, Eric Jui-Lin Lu*, and M. F. Tsai,Using queried keywords or full-text extracted keywords in blog mining, in the proceedings of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scien |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | WCE2011年民生電子研討會 | 個人化的部落格文章推薦系統 |
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
學生姓名 | 學制 | 年份(西元) | 論文名稱 |
曹潔妮 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 基於多標籤的文本到文本轉換應用於知識圖譜問答系統之研究 |
鄭君豪 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 基於混合式編解碼器架構搭載交換注意力機制在SPARQL翻譯之研究 |
鄭兆翔 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 基於遞歸神經網路之依存句法分析產生查詢語法之研究 |
林晉德 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 多標籤文檔分類用於自然語言問答系統之研究 |
蔡佳佑 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 基於機率圖模型之依存句法分析產生查詢語法之研究 |
郭丞芸 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 基於注意力機制機器翻譯模型產生SPARQL 查詢語法之研究 |
林佳慧 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 使用機器翻譯方法產生查詢語法解決簡單及複雜問題之研究 |
林英延 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 多標籤分類方法應用於問答系統 |
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