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沈肇基 Shen, Jau-Ji教授
期刊 (2017-2021)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
期刊 (2017-2021)
發表日期 (年/月/日) | 作者 | 教師職稱 | 期刊∕論文名稱 | 發表之期刊名稱∕期數 | SSCI.SCI.EI | 作者順位(通訊.第一.第二) |
2021, APR | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Agrawal, S; Li, YH | 教授 | High-Capacity Embedding Method Based on Double-Layer Octagon-Shaped Shell Matrix | SYMMETRY-BASEL / Vol.13, NO.4, | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2020, | Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Lee, CF; Hsu, FW; Agrawal, S | 教授 | A self-embedding fragile image authentication based on singular value decomposition | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS / Vol.79, NO.35-36, pp.25969-25988 | SCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2020, JUL | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Wu, YJ; Agrawal, S | 教授 | PVO-Based Reversible Data Hiding Exploiting Two-Layer Embedding for Enhancing Image Fidelity | SYMMETRY-BASEL / Vol.12, NO.7, | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2020, MAY | Lu, TC; Chang, TC; Shen, JJ(沈肇基)* | 教授 | An Effective Maximum Distortion Controlling Technology in the Dual-Image-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme | IEEE ACCESS / Vol.8, pp.90824-90837 | SCI | □第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2020, APR | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Agrawal, S; Tseng, YJ; Kao, YC | 教授 | A generalized pixel value ordering data hiding with adaptive embedding capability | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING / Vol.76, NO.4, pp.2683-2714 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2020, FEB | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Agrawal, S; Wang, YX; Lee, YH | 教授 | Data Hiding Method Based on 3D Magic Cube | IEEE ACCESS / Vol.8, pp.39445-39453 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2019, SEP | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ*(沈肇基); Hou, KL; Hsu, FW | 教授 | A High-performance Computing Method for Photographic Mosaics upon the Hadoop Framework | JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY / Vol.20, NO.5, pp.1343-1358 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2019, May | Lee, CF; Shen, JJ*(沈肇基); Kao, YC; Agrawal, S | 教授 | Overlapping pixel value ordering predictor for high-capacity reversible data hiding | JOURNAL OF REAL-TIME IMAGE PROCESSING / Vol.16, NO.4, pp.835-855 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2019, May | Lee, C.-F.; Shen, J.-J.(沈肇基); Chen, Z.-R.; Agrawal, S. | 教授 | Self-Embedding Authentication Watermarking with Effective Tampered Location Detection and High-Quality Image Recovery | Sensors / Vol.19, NO.10, PP.1-18 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2019, MAR | Shen, JJ(沈肇基); Yeh, CH; Jan, JK | 教授 | A New Approach of Lossy Image Compression Based on Hybrid Image Resizing Techniques | The International Arab Journal of Information Technology/ Vol.16, NO.2, PP.226-235 | SCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2018, Jul. | Yu-Lun Wang, Jau-Ji Shen(沈肇基), Min-Shiang Hwang* | 教授 | A Novel Dual Image-based High Payload Reversible Hiding Technique Using LSB Matching | International Journal of Network Security/ Vol.20, NO.4, PP.801-804 | EI | □第一作者 |
2018, JAN | Yu-Lun Wang, Jau-Ji Shen(沈肇基), Min-Shiang Hwang* | 教授 | A Survey of Reversible Data Hiding for VQ-Compressed Images | International Journal of Network Security/ Vol.20, NO.1, PP.1-8 | EI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2017, SEP. | Yu-Lun Wang, Jau-Ji Shen(沈肇基), Min-Shiang Hwang | 教授 | An Improved Dual Image-based Reversible Hiding Technique Using LSB Matching | International Journal of Network Security/ Vol.19, NO.5, PP.858-862 | EI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2017, AUG | Chang, CS; Shen, JJ*(沈肇基) | 教授 | Features Classification Forest: A Novel Development that is Adaptable to Robust Blind Watermarking Techniques | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING/ Vol.26, NO.8, PP.3921-3935 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
年度 | 委辦/補助機關 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
2018 | 科技部 | 影像壓縮與大型影像資料庫之關聯規則研究 | 計畫主持人 |
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
出版年月 Year & Month | AACSB類型 Scholarship Type | 發佈 地區 Area | 研討會名稱 Seminar | 論文細項 Detail |
2018/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2018) | Chin-Feng Lee, Jau-Ji Shen, Yu-Chi Kao High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Star-Shaped PVO Method |
2018/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2018) | Chin-Feng Lee, Jau-Ji Shen, Fang-Wei Hsu A Survey of Semi-Fragile Watermarking Authentication |
2018/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2018) | Chin-Feng Lee, Jau-Ji Shen, Ting-Yi Ou-Yang A High Payload Edge Detection-Based Image Steganography Robust to RSAttack by Using LSB Substitution and Pixel Value Differencing |
2017/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017) | Lee CF., Shen JJ., Lai YH. (2018) A Survey of Reversible Data Hiding Schemes Based on Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification. |
2017/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017) | Chin-Feng Lee, Jau-Ji Shen, Zhao-Ru Chen, Steganographic Image Hiding Schemes Based on Edge Detection |
2016/12 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), 2016 12th International Conference on | Jau-Ji Shen, Chun-Hsiu Yeh, Jinn-Ke Jan,Effective quality improvement of upscaled images by differential image scheme |
2016/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), 2016 International Conference on | Jau-Ji Shen, Chin-Feng Lee, Kun-Liang Hou,Improved Productivity of Mosaic Image by K-medoids and Feature Selection Mechanism on a Hadoop-Based Framework |
2015/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | Chun-Hsiu Yeh, Jau-Ji Shen(corresponding author), and Jinn-Ke Jan, (2015), Equalized CR-dropping for Image Compression, The Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hidi |
2015/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | Chin-Feng Lee, Si-Ting Chen and Jau-Ji Shen,(2015), Equalized CR-dropping for Image Compression, The Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signa |
2015/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Information Networking | Li, C. T., Lee, C. W., & Shen, J. J. (2015). A Secure Three-party Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Based on Extended Chaotic Maps in Cloud Storage Service, The 29th International Conference on Info |
2014/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Internet of Vehicles | Li, C. T., Shen, J. J., & Lee, C. W. (2014). Security and Efficiency Analysis on a Simple Keyword Search Scheme over Encrypted Data in Cloud Storage Services, Internet of Vehicles – Technologies and S |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | Hsieh, Y. P., Chang, C. S., & Shen, J. J. (corresponding author). (2013). A New Robust Watermarking Scheme Based On Features Classification Tree, The Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Int |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Signal and Image Processing | Shen, J. J. (corresponding author), Yeh, C. H., & Jan, J. K. (2013). The Light-Weighted Coding Schemes for Images Sharing on Mobile Devices, The Proceedings of IASTED 15th International Conference on |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing | Chou, Y. C., Wang, C. C., & Shen, J. J. (corresponding author). (2012) A Robust Information Hiding Scheme with Range Coding on Color-Image, icgec (EI), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conferenc |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing | Yeh, C. H., Jan, J. K., & Shen, J. J. (corresponding author). (2012) Two Phased Decompression Scheme for Quality Improvement of Vector Quantized Images, icgec ( EI), Proceedings of the Sixth Internati |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), 2011 Seventh International Conference on | A New Approach of Image Compression Based on Difference Vector Quantization |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC), 2011 Fifth International Conference on | The First Robust Image Tamper Detection Scheme under Brightness |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Proceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference | A Novel Image Authentication Technique Based on Fixed Point of Regular Stochastic Matrix |
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
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