![]() | 陳家榛 Chen, Chia-Chen特聘教授兼計資中心服務諮詢組組長兼產業發展研究中心主任
期刊 (2017-2021)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
期刊 (2017-2021)
發表日期 (年/月/日) | 作者 | 教師職稱 | 期刊∕論文名稱 | 發表之期刊名稱∕期數 | SSCI.SCI.EI | 作者順位(通訊.第一.第二) |
2021, DEC | Chen, C. C.(陳家榛), Chen, H. R.*, & Wang, T. Y. | 教授 | Creative Situated Augmented Reality Learning for Astronomy Curricula | Educational Technology & Society | □第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 | |
2021, DEC | Chen, C. C*(陳家榛). & Tu, H. Y. | 教授 | The Effect of Digital Game-based Learning on Learning Motivation and Performance under Social Cognitive Theory and Entrepreneurial Thinking | Frontiers in Psychology / https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.750711 | SSCI | ■第一作者 |
2021, DEC | Hsiao, K. L. & Chen, C. C.*(陳家榛) | 教授 | What drives continuance intention to use a food-ordering chatbot? An examination of trust and satisfaction | Library Hi Tech / https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-08-2021-0274 | SSCI | □第一作者 |
2021, OCT | Chen, C. C.*(陳家榛) & Tsai, Y. H. | 教授 | Exploring Engagement and Satisfaction through Strategy Theory Combined with Science E-Book Learning | Educational Technology Research and Development | □第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 | |
2020, JUL | Chia-Chen Chen(陳家榛), Kuo-Lun Hsiao*, Wan-Chen Li | 教授 | Exploring the determinants of usage continuance willingness for location-based apps: A case study of bicycle-based exercise apps | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services / Volume 55, July 2020, 102097 | SCI/SSCI | ■第一作者 |
2020, SEP | Hsiao, K. L., Lytras, M. D., & Chen, C. C.*(陳家榛) | 教授 | An in-app purchase framework for location-based AR games: the case of Pokemon Go | Library Hi Tech / Vol.38, NO.3, PP.638-653 | SSCI | □第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2020, MAY | Chia-Chen Chen(陳家榛), Po-Hao Huang | 教授 | The effects of STEAM-based mobile learning on learning achievement and cognitive load | Interactive Learning Environments / https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1761838 | SCIE/SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2020, MAR | Chun-Chia Lee, Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Chia-Chen Chen(陳家榛)* | 教授 | Exploring the Benefit and Sacrifice Factors of Virtual Reality Gameplay | Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00251 | SCIE/SSCI | □第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2019, Nov. | Chia-Chen Chen(陳家榛), Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Cheng-Han Hsieh | 教授 | Understanding usage transfer behavior of two way O2O services | Computers in Human Behavior / Vo.100, Pages 184-191 | SCIE/SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2019, JUL | Chen, CC(陳家榛); Tsai, JL | 教授 | Determinants of behavioral intention to use the Personalized Location-based Mobile Tourism Application: An empirical study by integrating TAM with ISSM | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE / Vol.96, pp.628-638 | SCI,SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2019, MAR | Yen, N. Y., Hung, J. C., Chen, C. C.* (陳家榛), & Jin, Q. | 教授 | Design of a computational model for social learning support and analystics | Computers in Human Behavior/ Vol.92, PP.547-561 | SSCI | □第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, OCT | Chen, CC(陳家榛); Hsiao, KL; Wu, SJ | 教授 | Purchase intention in social commerce An empirical examination of perceived value and social awareness | LIBRARY HI TECH/ Vol.36, NO.4, PP.583-604 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2018, OCT | Chen, CC(陳家榛); Lee, CH; Hsiao, KL | 教授 | Comparing the determinants of non-MOOC and MOOC continuance intention in Taiwan Effects of interactivity and openness | LIBRARY HI TECH/ Vol.36, NO.4, PP.705-719 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2018, | Chen, CC*(陳家榛); Chang, YC | 教授 | What drives purchase intention on Airbnb? Perspectives of consumer reviews, information quality, and media richness | TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS/ Vol.35, NO.5, PP.1512-1523 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, Aug. | Chen, CC*(陳家榛); Yao, JY | 教授 | What drives impulse buying behaviors in a mobile auction? The perspective of the Stimulus-Organism-Response model | TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS/ Vol.35, NO.5, PP.1249-1262 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, Jul. | Yen, N. Y., Chen, C. C.* (陳家榛), & Hu, J. J. | 教授 | Investigating the customer’s intention in the “Clicks-and-Mortar” business model | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing/ PP.1-11 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, Apr. | Chen, CC*(陳家榛); Lin, YC | 教授 | What drives live-stream usage intention? The perspectives of flow, entertainment, social interaction, and endorsement | TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS/ Vol.35, NO.1, PP.293-303 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, APR | Hsiao, KL; Chen, CC*(陳家榛) | 教授 | What drives smartwatch purchase intention? Perspectives from hardware, software, design, and value | TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS/ Vol.35, NO.1, PP.103-113 | SSCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2018, Mar. | Hsu, JY(許志義); Chen, CC*(陳家榛); Ting, PF | 教授 | Understanding MOOC continuance: An empirical examination of social support theory | INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS/ Vol.26, NO.8, PP.1100-1118 | SSCI | ■第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2017, OCT | Chen, CC*(陳家榛); Chen, CY | 教授 | Exploring the effect of learning styles on learning achievement in a u-Museum | INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS/ Vol.26, NO.5, PP.664-681 | SSCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
2017, AUG | Hsiao, K. L., & Chen, C. C.* (陳家榛) | 教授 | Value-based adoption of e-book subscription services: The roles of environmental concerns and reading habits | Telematics and Informatics/ Vol.34, NO.5, PP.434-448 | SSCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 ■通訊作者 |
年度 | 委辦/補助機關 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
2022 | 國家科學及技術委員會 | 探究擴增實境數位繪本於自然科學教學對學生自我效能、愉悅度與學習成效之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
2022 | 國家科學及技術委員會 | 探究高等教育學生錯失恐懼對於學習動機、參與度、專注度及學習表現之研究 | 計畫主持人 |
2021 | 科技部 | 探究學生於課堂中使用行動載具對自身及同儕學習態度、專注度及成效之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
2021 | 科技部 | 應用科學教育學門規劃研究推動計畫 | 共同主持人 |
2021 | 教育部 | 大專校院教學實踐研究計畫-應用合作學習結合心智圖教學對高等教育學生之學習成效影響 | 計畫主持人 |
2019 | 科技部 | 應用擴增實境技術於立體幾何教學之系統建置與學習成效評估 | 計畫主持人 |
2018 | 科技部 | 應用科學教育學門研究發展規劃推動計畫 | 共同主持人 |
2018 | 科技部 | 探究並驗證翻轉式問題導向學習對不同學習風格技職學生學習成效之影響 | 計畫主持人 |
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
出版年月 Year & Month | AACSB類型 Scholarship Type | 發佈 地區 Area | 研討會名稱 Seminar | 論文細項 Detail |
2015/12 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | 全國計算機會議 | 侯坤良、陳思婷、謝銘儒、陳佳楨,探討學習者特性結合TAM與ISSM對使用數位社群學習平台學習成效之影響 |
2015/09 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | World Engineering Education Forum | C. C. Chen, M. Y. Chen, and C. Y. Chen, Implementing a context-awareness ubiquitous learning environment – a case study of 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan |
2015/09 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | World Engineering Education Forum | Y. L. Jeng, Y. Shu, T. C. Huang, Y. M. Huang, and C. C. Chen, Developing a Mobile Instant Messaging System for Problem-based Learning Activity |
2015/03 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Business and Social Sciences | C. C. Chen and M. Y. Chen, Determinants of the Users Intention of Social-Local-Mobile Applications |
2014/05 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Conference on Information Management | C. C. Chen and J. L. Tsai, Determinants of the User Intention of Location-Based Service Applications |
2014/05 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Conference on Information Management | C. C. Chen and C. Y. Chen, Exploring the Determination of Mobile Instant Messaging Usage Intention After-Class Learning |
2014/05 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Conference on Information Management | C. C. Chen and C. H. Hsieh, Determinants of Consumers’ Intention of Online-to-Offline (O2O) Commerce |
2014/03 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Business and Social Sciences | C. C. Chen, M. Y. Chen and C. Y. Chen, Development of the Cultural Cloud Information Platform Based on Ambient Intelligence |
2013/08 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering | T. C. Huang, Y. Shu, C. C. Chen, and M. Y. Chen , The development of an innovative programming teaching framework for modifying students’ maladaptive learning pattern |
2012/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Business and Information | C. C. Chen, B. S. Lee and H. S. Chiang (2012), “Why Do People Use Radio Frequency Identification in Fashion Industry?”, The 2012 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2012), July 3-5, Sapporo, Japan. |
2012/07 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Business and Information | C. C. Chen, H. H. Tseng and T. C. Huang, Development a Smart Shopping Environment in Home Furnishing Retailer System with RFID Technology |
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
學生姓名 | 學制 | 年份(西元) | 論文名稱 |
徐于晴 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 探討行為主義理論應用於遊戲式學習對程式設計課程學生情境興趣、焦慮和學習成效之影響 |
魏溢慶 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 基於體驗式學習探討火災教育的學習遷移 |
傅于庭 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 基於社會認知理論探討遊戲輔助外語學習之研究 |
胡閔凱 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 探討擬題教學策略融入問題導向學習應用於資料庫教學之影響 |
陳俊佑 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 探討漸進提示策略應用於遊戲化程式設計學習之影響 |
饒庭宇 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 探討擴增實境技術輔助幾何學習對學生學習成效與學習態度之影響 |
蔡岳霖 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 探討數位繪本結合擴增實境技術對國小學童學習成效、興趣與參與度之影響 |
蔡文康 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 探討互動式電子書結合環境教育對學習成效、環境保護態度及行為意向的影響 |
林威仁 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 探討網路閒逛於線上學習環境對學習成效之影響 |
劉竹 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 探討行動擴增實境學習對學生心流體驗、認知負荷與學習成效之影響-以國小自然課程為例 |
周廷彥 | 碩士在職專班 | 2022 | 探究教育訓練之課程設計與講師特質對學習滿意度影響之研究 |
林佳姵 | 碩士在職專班 | 2022 | 探討飼主使用智能寵物家電意願之研究 |
瀏覽人次: 8,616