![]() | 陳育毅 Chen, Yu-Yi教授
期刊 (2017-2021)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
期刊 (2017-2021)
發表日期 (年/月/日) | 作者 | 教師職稱 | 期刊∕論文名稱 | 發表之期刊名稱∕期數 | SSCI.SCI.EI | 作者順位(通訊.第一.第二) |
2019, SEP | Chen, YY(陳育毅); Lee, YJ*; Lien, KW; Chen, TY | 教授 | Customized Panorama System for Wayfinding and Walkthrough | JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY / Vol.20, NO.5, pp.1649-1656 | SCI |
■第一作者 |
2018, AUG | Meng-Lin Tsai; Yu-Yi Chen(陳育毅) | 教授 | A novel group ownership proof and transfer scheme for B2B, B2C and C2C transactions | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing / 2018 Vol.29 No.1/2, pp.28-40 | SCI | □第一作者 ■第二作者 □通訊作者 |
2017,APR | Chen, YY(陳育毅); Tsai, ML*; Chang, FJ | 教授 | The design of secure mobile coupon mechanism with the implementation for NFC smartphones | COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING/ Vol.59, PP.204-217 | SCI | ■第一作者 □第二作者 □通訊作者 |
年度 | 委辦/補助機關 | 計畫名稱 | 擔任工作 |
2021 | 科技部 | 基於資通安全管理法相關規範開發高可見度的資安管理平台 | 計畫主持人 |
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
出版年月 Year & Month | AACSB類型 Scholarship Type | 發佈 地區 Area | 研討會名稱 Seminar | 論文細項 Detail |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Forensic | Yu-Yi Chen, Jun-Chao Lu, Jinn-Ke Jan,A Multi-Servers Remote User Authentication Scheme using a Smarter Smart Card,?The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Fo |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Congress on Social Sciences and Business | Yu-Yi Chen?and Wei Hsuan Lo,A Mobile Application Design for Interpersonal Network Management,2013 International Congress on Social Sciences and Business (2013 ICSSB), |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Congress on Social Sciences and Business | Yu-Yi Chen?and Ching Yi Hu,The Design of Indoor-navigation based Real-time Promotion Mobile Application,2013 International Congress on Social Sciences and Business (2013 ICSSB) |
2013/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Forensic | Yu-Yi Chen, Jun-Chao Lu, Jinn-Ke Jan,A Multi-Servers Remote User Authentication Scheme using a Smarter Smart Card,The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital For |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control | Chin-Ling Chen, Yu-Yi Chen, Tzay-Farn Shih and Tsungm-Min Kuo,An RFID Authentication and Anti-counterfeit Transaction Protocol,Proceeding of International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control ( |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control 2012 | Chin-Ling Chen, Yu-Yi Chen, Jinn-Ke Jan, Chih-Cheng Chen,A RFID Authentication and Anti-counterfeit Transaction Protocol,International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control 2012 (IS3C 2012) |
2012/ (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國內 Domestic | International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies | Yu-Yi Chen and Tzu-Hsuan Huang,A Conditional-Anonymous Reviews Retrieval Mechanism Based on Social Networks,2012 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (AIT 2012) |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | EUROCON – IEEE International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON 2011) | A Secure Negotiable On-demand Services Model for Cloud Environment |
2011/01 (1) | Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship | 國外Foreign | Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2011) | A Secure RFID deactivation/activation mechanism for customer service and consumer shopping |
近三年研究生 (Master Degree Students)
學生姓名 | 學制 | 年份(西元) | 論文名稱 |
姚昀彤 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 通用型線上心理健康評估平台之設計 |
陳思蓓 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 以對話機器人協助外籍照服員進行居家照護工作之設計 |
林冠瑜 | 碩士班 | 2024 | 整合開源套件達成自動化部署監控校園網路流量及伺服器之研究 |
許家蓁 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 基於人員資訊安全意識與專業能力之資訊安全人力因素評估系統 |
傅子軒 | 碩士班 | 2023 | 使用 LINE Bot 作為親師溝通輔助工具之研究 |
郝大為 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 針對聊天機器人開發安全實務建構數位靶場實戰服務及應用系統防火牆雛形之研究 |
劉耿宇 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 通用型深度導覽服務系統之聊天機器人設計 |
費昱程 | 碩士班 | 2022 | 整合團購機制於社區服務系統之聊天機器人設計 |
洪子涵 | 碩士在職專班 | 2023 | 資通系統防護基準合規性與開發實務技術研究 |
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