國立中興大學資訊管理學系雙主修實施要點 Implementation Guidelines for Double Majors in the Department of Information Management, National Chung Hsing University
壹、 | 本要點依據「國立中興大學學生修讀雙主修辦法」訂定。 |
1. | These guidelines are established based on the “National Chung Hsing University Regulations on Double Majors.” |
貳、 | 學士班學生於前一學年學業平均成績須達七十五分以上,或其學業成績名次在該班學生人數前百分之二十以內者,得申請本系雙主修。雙主修名額以申請學年度本系招生名額百分之十為上限,第1學期申請雙主修通過名額若額滿,第2學期則不再接受申請。 |
2. | Bachelor’s degree students whose average academic score in the previous academic year is 75 or above, or who rank within the top 20% in their class, may apply for a double major in this department. The quota for double majors is limited to 10% of the department’s enrollment quota for the academic year of application. If the quota for double majors is filled in the first semester, no applications will be accepted in the second semester. |
參、 | 學士班學生申請修讀本系雙主修,應自第二學年起,碩士班學生得自一年級第二學期起,於本系規定期限內填具申請表並檢附歷年成績單及班級排名證明(申請碩士班雙主修需另檢附個人資料表)向本系提出申請,經本系相關會議審核通過並經雙方系主任(所長)簽章同意後,於當學期註冊日起二週內,送註冊組核備。 碩士班學生申請雙主修者,除前項規定外,應先取得其指導教授同意。若因故無法商請指導教授同意,悉依照本校「論文指導教授與研究生互動準則」辦理。 |
3. | Bachelor’s degree students applying to a double major in this department should do so from the second academic year, and master’s degree students may apply from the second semester of their first year. Applications must be submitted within the time limit specified by the department, along with transcripts and class ranking certificates (master’s students applying for a double major must also attach a personal information form). After approval by the relevant departmental meetings and signatures from the department heads (or directors) of both departments, the application must be submitted to the Registration Office within two weeks from the start of the semester for final review. Master’s students applying for a double major must also obtain the consent of their advisor. If consent from the advisor cannot be obtained, all procedures will follow the school’s “Guidelines for Interaction between Thesis Advisors and Graduate Students.” |
肆、 | 學生修讀本系雙主修,畢業條件以核准修讀學年度的畢業條件為基準,並依「國立中興大學資訊管理學系雙主修選修科目學分表」規定辦理。 |
4. | Graduation requirements for students pursuing a double major in this department are based on the approved graduation requirements for the academic year of study and are processed in accordance with the “Credit Table for Double Major Elective Subjects of the Department of Information Management, National Chung Hsing University.” |
伍、 | 其他未盡事宜,依「國立中興大學學生修讀雙主修辦法」規定或依本系課程委員會議之決議辦理。 |
5. | Any other matters not addressed herein shall be handled in accordance with the “National Chung Hsing University Regulations on Double Majors” or as decided by the department’s curriculum committee. |
陸、 | 本要點經系務會議通過後公告實施,修正時亦同。 |
6. | These guidelines were announced and implemented following approval by the departmental meeting, and any future revisions will follow the same process. |
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