國立中興大學資訊管理學系跨域專長實施要點 Implementation Guidelines for Cross-Domain Expertise in the Department of Information Management, National Chung Hsing University
壹、 | 本系為鼓勵學生自主學習,提供更多的修課彈性與跨領域學習機會,協助學生拓展第二專長,以利其進修或就業,特依據「國立中興大學跨域專長實施辦法」訂定本要點。 |
1. | To encourage students in independent learning, provide greater course flexibility, and offer cross-disciplinary learning opportunities to support students in developing additional expertise for further studies or employment, these guidelines are formulated in accordance with the “National Chung Hsing University Interdisciplinary Expertise Implementation Measures.” |
貳、 | 本要點修業規定 |
2. | Study Regulations for this Program |
外系(學位學程)學生選擇本系做為其跨域專長者: Students from other departments (degree programs) who choose this department for their interdisciplinary expertise: | |
(1)凡本校各學系(學位學程)學生於前一學年學業成績名次在該班級前百分之三十以內,得於規定時間內向其所屬學系(學位學程)(以下簡稱原系)提出申請,通過原系及本系的雙邊審查後,方可修讀本系跨域專長。 (1)Students from any department (degree program) within the university who ranked in the top 30% of their class in academic performance for the previous academic year may apply within the specified time to their department (hereinafter referred to as the “original department”). Upon approval by both the original department and this department, students may pursue cross-domain expertise in this department. | |
(2)學生申請本系為跨域專長,應自入學第二學年起,於本系規定期限內填具申請書並檢附歷年成績單、班級排名證明、自傳及讀書計畫書等指定繳交資料,先向原系提出申請,經原系主管簽章同意後向本系提出申請,本系相關會議審核通過並經本系主管簽章准予修讀後,於當學期註冊日起二週內,送註冊組審核列冊。 (2)Students applying to take cross-disciplinary expertise in this department must submit an application form within the department-specified timeframe starting from their second academic year. Required documents include academic transcripts, proof of class ranking, autobiography, and study plan. The application should first be submitted to the original department, and after approval by the original department head, it is submitted to this department. Upon review and approval by the relevant departmental meeting, with the final approval by the department head, the application must be submitted to the Registration Office within two weeks of the semester registration date for official listing. | |
(3)外系(學位學程)學生修讀本系跨域專長,依核准學年度之「資訊管理學系人工智慧跨域專長必修科目表」的課程修讀,完成後可於畢業證書加註「跨域專長:資訊管理學系人工智慧」。修讀本系跨域專長課程應包含該領域基礎核心必修課程21學分,且總學分數至少應修習30學分,並不得包括其原系應修習之相同科目在內。 | |
(3)Students from other departments (degree programs) who pursue cross-domain expertise in this department must follow the courses listed in the “Compulsory Course List for Artificial Intelligence Cross-Domain Specialty in the Department of Information Management” for the approved academic year. Upon completion, the graduation certificate will bear the notation “Cross-Domain Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Department of Information Management.” The cross-domain specialty curriculum requires a minimum of 21 credits in core courses within the field, with a total of at least 30 credits, excluding subjects already required by the original department. | |
(4)其他未盡事宜,依「國立中興大學跨域專長實施辦法」規定或依本系課程委員會之決議辦理。 (4)Other matters not covered herein shall be handled in accordance with the “National Chung Hsing University Interdisciplinary Expertise Implementation Measures” or as resolved by the department’s curriculum committee. | |
參、 | 本系指定一名專任教師擔任跨域專長導師,與外系(學位學程)或學院的跨域專長導師組成導師群,專責輔導跨域專長的學生。 |
3. | The department designates a full-time faculty member as a cross-domain expertise tutor. Together with tutors from other departments (degree programs) or colleges, they form a tutor group specifically to support students in their cross-domain expertise studies. |
肆、 | 本要點如有未盡事宜,悉依本校學則及其他相關規定辦理。 |
4. | If there are any matters not covered in these points, they shall be handled in accordance with the university’s academic regulations and other relevant provisions. |
伍、 | 本要點經系、院、校三級課程委員會審議通過後送課務組公佈實施,修正時亦同。 |
5. | These guidelines, upon review and approval by the curriculum committees at the departmental, college, and university levels, shall be sent to the Curriculum Division for announcement and implementation. The same procedure applies to future amendments. |
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